Sunday 28 February 2016


Saunas have their origin in Finland. However, with globalization saunas have become wide spread throughout the world. A sauna is basically a warn humid or a hot air bath. Originally and up to date, most saunas are made of cedar wood. Temperature inside a sauna is usually raised beyond normal resulting to one sweating profusely.

Modern saunas usually consist of an enclosed unit with tight ventilation. Most gyms consist of locker rooms with warm steam vented into the room.

This is a guide to building a standard sauna doors. Adjustments in measurements can be made to suite your size but the procedure does not change.

Sauna doors just like saunas are usually made 100% of cedar. They are made to open out of the sauna and should be totally constitute of cedar except the screws that hold the door intact.

Sauna/hot baths doors should close tightly to trap heat and the hot steam inside the sauna. This requires keen standards to be followed when constructing a sauna door. The conventional measurements of a sauna door should be 24 by 72 inches

Materials needed. Hand drill and a 3/8 drill bit Cedar boards 3 inch wood screws 4- Inch wood screws Good quality sand paper A saw and a chisel You will also need a screw gun and a tape measure. Procedure Cut four pieces of 2 by 6 by 68 inch, 2 by 2 BY 24 inch and 2 by 6-8 inch cedar board pieces

High precision tools need to be used when cutting these boards, this is necessary to enable the board to flush when joining them. Modern electric tools are divisible but still careful use of the tools listed above always achieves the same results.

On a flat working space, carefully lay the four 68-inch boards together. The ends should totally swill out.

The 24 inch boards are then joined to each end of the board the 4 -68 inch boards. Ensure that the 24 inch boards flush with the adjacent 68 inch boards.

Carefully screw the 3 inch screws through the 24 inch boards at the ends this should hold the inner boards to the outer frame tightly.

The innermost 8- inch boards usually are modified to serve as handles of the sauna doors. Lay the 8 inch cedar boards flat and horizontally. With your saw, cut a 4 by 3 inch deep section of the board. Use your chisel and hammer. Give the notch an approximate length of 2.5-3 inches from both ends of the board.

On the edges 8-inch cedar boards, Drill four holes: 3 by 8 inches deep this should give 0.5 -inch allowance from the end of each board. This should be done with the notch facing the ground.

The door handles should be placed at a position convenient to you.

Face the notch towards the door and screw the 4-inch screws and into the door. Using a sand paper, make the rough surfaces smooth the door and wipe clean it clean.

Finally, crew the half hinge screws to the sauna doors. Screw the other half hinges to the door frame too.

Always check if your sauna door able to close tightly. Ensure that you can open the door outward from the sauna.

Friday 19 February 2016

Build your own steam shower using thermasol

A steam shower is a must have luxury in modern bathrooms. Thermasol makes it easier for anyone and everyone to make it all by ourselves. All we need is the resources and time. There are few key points which we have to understand before we get into the construction phase. There are three main stages which we have to take note off. Designing - Buying the right resources - Safe and sound construction. Let's begin with the design. First we must know the basic structure of a steam shower. The heart of a steam shower is the steam generator.

Thermasol provides us with the best variety of them. We can select one from Pro Series , AF Series or Steam Suite as per our requirement. These generators are placed outside the steam shower. It is important that they are placed in an accessible area with adequate ventilation. The selection of the steam generator depends on the power we need and the distance from the Thermasol Steam generator to our steam shower. This will help us deciding the best suitable location for the steam generator and the best Thermasol steam generator for us.

 Next important part in design is the interior of the shower. We are dealing with high moisture at high temperatures. Which are the key factors in corrosion. So we must take adequate care in the construction of the shower interior. A suggestion is that we can use a water repellent coat in our walls and ceilings. A water repellent coat or even water repellent tiling can do the trick for us. Next factor is to make our shower water tight by providing rubber caskets underneath and above the door. Providing a water shower is an at most necessity too.

Lets move on to phase two. Acquiring the right resources. Once we determine the location of our Thermasol steam generator and distance from the shower lets choose from one of Thermasol's steam generator. When we are buying the tiles for floor,ceiling and walls we must make sure they are water repellent. Any extra benches inside the shower also must be constructed with water repellent materials. We can cut down the coasts by replacing at least two of the walls with glass. The rubber ceilings around the doors must be well fit that they will not let any steam out. One point that we always remember is to make sure measurements are pinpoint. Into the final phase of safe and sound construction. Install the Thermasol steam generator in the adequately ventilated space. Make sure it is fitted correctly as per the manual. Point out the spot to let the steam into our steam shower. It can be on a spot lower than our Thermasol steam generator's outlet. Seal all our walls , floor and ceilings with water repellent tiles. Make sure our door is perfectly fit and water tight. One point we must remember is to give a slope on our ceiling so that the steam will cool down and run down through one side. The slope in the ceiling can be towards either side as per our convenience but not towards the steam inlet. This is a description which will be handy while constructing a steam shower by yourself. For all the technical aspects make sure you will go through the manual provided with each product you will be using while construction. Thermasol products gives power into your hands to enhance your luxury.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Sauna Heaters and Their Benefits


On an intellectual, logical level we are all fully aware that we probably need to eat less fatty foods, more healthy food and get more exercise in our daily routine. Ask the common man on the street and he will most likely to be able to give a fairly succinct overview of the problems and health risks associated with the likes of excess smoking and alcohol consumption. The truth of the matter however is that we are creatures of habit, more motivated by routine and our whims than any altruistic or intellectual effects and so it is little wonder then that so many of us struggle to live as healthy a lifestyle as we should or could.

Infrared sauna heaters have become increasingly popular in recent years because they provide us with a passive means in which we can lose excess body weight, shed those unsightly pounds as well as improve our circulation and do so with a bare minimum of exertion on our part. The infrared sauna has been heralded as the singularly most potent device for the improvement of circulation and cosmetic effects and as such hasbecome steadily more commonplace in a variety of different facilities.

Many people are rather sceptical as to the effectiveness or value of infrared saunas, regarding them as nothing more than a cynical gimmick devised by the beauty industry as a means of further manipulating and exploiting the average consumer with the view of snatching more money from them. The truth of the matter is that infrared sauna heaters technology presents a significant improvement from traditional sauna technology because it directly heats up the body at the source. Traditional saunas heaters heated up the air around them which would then raise the body's temperature as an after effect. Such an approach meant that atrociously high levels of steam and energy had to be employed simply to get a minimal effect meaning that the running costs associated with them were equally high as well.

Infrared sauna heaters have been clinically proven to significantly improve and aid in the circulation of blood around the body and because of this, they are typically relied upon not only to assist in improving cardio vascular complaints but also cosmetic issues such as acne, the healing of scar tissue and psoriasis. Arthritis sufferers will also be delighted to hear that these sauna heaters can also significantly reduce the severity and frequency of the symptoms.

Take note that the efficiency remains the same even if temperature is lowered, the infrared rays emitted is guaranteed 100% safe and will not fry you. In case you worry, the Infrared rays are different from ultraviolet rays which are known to cause skin cancer.With an infrared sauna heater, heat is produced more effectively thus a consistent and steady amount of heat is radiated. The heat produced then penetrates the skin and results to more production of sweat which greatly aids in the removal of harmful toxins from the body.

Another plus factor of these sauna heaters is that it is most beneficial to people who are suffering from joint or muscle difficulties due to injuries. The application of heat is proven to alleviate pain, most especially since these Infrared heaters emit "drier" air. Most people favour this kind of heater because this enables them to stay comfortably in the sauna for longer period of time while having a good time.